Badass Women 2024 Calendar
The eighth Badass Women Calendar features such badasses as:
Aline Sitoé Diatta
Stacey Park Milbern
Noor Inayat Khan
Mama Gloria Allen
And more!
A portion of the proceeds from the 2024 calendar supports the Essie Justice Group.
Essie Justice Group is a nonprofit organization of women with incarcerated loved ones taking on the rampant injustices created by mass incarceration.
This collection of hand-drawn portraits represents Badass Women whose actions have advanced equality in the world we know. Remind yourself every month that the world is full of inspirational Badass Women.
Now with even more important dates like when Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 and
RBG's Birthday.
The Badass Women Project aims to inspire all kinds of humans by celebrating badass women-- particularly to lift up women of color, queer women, and individuals or groups that have not traditionally been recognized for their badassery--
because feminism is necessarily intersectional.